Air Force
Community College of the Air Force (CCAF)
The University of Charleston (UC) has partnered with the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) to offer General Education Mobile (GEM) courses to assist Airmen and Guardians in completing the requirements for a CCAF degree.
Airmen and Guardians have the opportunity to take advantage of UC’s convenient 8-week online classes, allowing you to complete up to 15 credits towards the requirements of your CCAF degree. Completing the General Education Mobile (GEM) program is a key step toward earning your Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree at CCAF.
The GEM program is designed to help US Air Force and Space Force members fulfill their GEM requirements in a mobile, non-traditional classroom format. There are five GEM areas required by CCAF:
- Oral Communication
- Written Communication
- Mathematics
- Social Science
- Humanities
Online Support
Need assistance with technology related to your online course and don’t know where to go? UC IT is here to help! Call us at 1-304-357-4357, e-mail us at or visit the UC IT Help Desk.
Academic Services
For first year students, we offer our First Year Experience curriculum that combines academic work with co-curricular and residential life activities to make your first year easier.
Every UC student will have an Academic Advisor to help guide their decisions in terms of classes, curriculum, goal setting and more.
Our Academic Success Center offers tutoring, testing and disability services.
Our Student Solutions Center is the central hub that includes the Registrar Office, student services including ID cards and adding money to your Eagle Bucks card, record keeping and more.
Academic Opportunities
We also offer opportunities for you to get credit for prior learning, independent study, an internship, or to create your own independent learning project. These opportunities are created with the input and support of a faculty member, and are assessed by that faculty member to determine the outcome of that opportunity and its assigned credit.
A list of these opportunities can be found here.
Online Tutoring Anywhere, Anytime – Smarthinking
Smarthinking offers tutoring in a variety of disciplines and formats. Online Tutoring is available in a wide range of subjects to help you understand and master your courses.
- Math – Introductory Anatomy & Physiology – Biology – Chemistry – Organic Chemistry Physics – Economics – Finance – Accounting – Statistics – Spanish – Writing – Reading Computers & Technology
With Smarthinking, you can:
- Connect with an e-structor and interact with a live tutor.
- Schedule a personal session with an e-structor of your choice.
- Submit your writing for any class to our Online Writing Lab.
- Submit a question and receive a reply from a tutor.
Access to both Peer Tutoring and Smarthinking (online tutoring) is available to UC students and faculty by logging into the UC portal.
Program Costs
GEM courses available at UC for your CCAF degree*
ENGL-101: Freshman Writing I – 3 Credit Hours
Designed to allow students to demonstrate analytical thinking and writing.
Course Availability
ENGL-102: Freshman Writing II – 3 Credit Hours
Continuation of ENGL 101, culminating in a research paper.
Course Availability
HIST-211: World Cultures I – To the 17th Century – 3 Credit Hours
An interdisciplinary survey of major world cultures up to the Renaissance. Emphasis will be given to social, economic, political, religious, intellectual and artistic achievement in selected areas and historical periods to help students develop a world perspective of civilizations.
Course Availability
HIST-212: World Cultures II – 17th Century to Current – 3 Credit Hours
An interdisciplinary survey of major world cultures from the Renaissance to modern times. Emphasis will be given to social, economic, political, religious, intellectual and artistic achievement in selected areas and historical periods to help students develop a world perspective of civilizations.
Course Availability
HIST-251: Foundations of the American Republic – 3 Credit Hours
American history from the discovery through Reconstruction. Emphasis is placed on the transplanting of European culture, the development of American political institutions, the rise of democratic capitalism, and the conflicts surrounding the Civil War and Reconstruction.
Course Availability
HIST-252: Contemporary America – 3 Credit Hours
American history from 1870 to the present. Emphasis is placed on the American response to industrialism, imperialism, and the First World War, the crisis of the 1930s, World War II, the Cold War, and post-industrial America.
Course Availability
HUMN-110: Unheard Voices: Native Americans, Latinos, and African-Americans in the Humanities – 3 Credit Hours
This course is designed to help students explore the importance of the work of Native American, Latino, and African-American artists in the humanities. The course strives to analyze literature, poetry, film, music, and the visual arts to see how artists in these groups have expressed their identity and cultural experiences.
Course Availability
MATH-120: Intermediate Algebra – 3 Credit Hours
This course helps prepare students for College Algebra, providing a basic background in number theory and algebra. Topics are selected from the real number system, linear equations, problem solving, polynomials, exponents, rational expressions, roots and radicals.
Course Availability
PSYC-101: Introduction to Psychology – 3 Credit Hours
A general introduction to psychology and its approaches to gathering and evaluating evidence about the causes and correlates of behavior. The topics surveyed will include brain and behavior, memory, perception, development across the lifespan, personality, abnormal behavior and psychotherapies. (Credit by Examination available.)
Course Availability
PSY-212: Life-Span Development – 3 Credit Hours
A coverage of physical, cognitive-intellectual, and social-personality development from infancy through old age as well as an introduction to research methods and different theories of developmental psychology.
Course Availability
SSCI-105: Issues in Social Science – 3 Credit Hours
This is a general course offered as part of the Initial College Experience (FYE) program. This course provides students with skills and knowledge needed to successfully meet Citizenship outcomes at the foundational level. In particular, the community will focus on the social, political and economic structures of American society. Significant social problems and political issues will be addressed. The community will help students develop communication, critical thinking, and research skills necessary for college success and participatory citizenship.
Course Availability
SPCH-103: Oral Communication Fundamentals – 3 Credit Hours
Students demonstrate proficiency in everyday communication including interpersonal communication, group problem solving, and impromptu, informative and persuasive speaking. Organization of ideas and control of mind and body are stressed in varied speaking projects.
Course Availability
*Course and Course Section availability, times, and costs are subject to change at any time and without notice based on contractual requirements and changes.