Immunization Policy
Vaccine-preventable diseases continue to occur on US campuses and pose a significant threat to the public health of the campus communities.
Outbreaks impose a significant cost to infected individuals in terms of mortality and morbidity. They can also be costly to the University and students by disrupting university activities and preventing students from attending scheduled classes.
The university’s goal is to provide adequate protection to the campus community against vaccine-preventable diseases by requiring students to be vaccinated against and/or screened for certain highly contagious diseases. This goal can best be achieved through a mandatory pre-matriculation immunization requirement policy.
The following requirements are consistent with West Virginia State Law and with the recommendations of the American College Health Association and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
Students who fail to provide appropriate documentation for the following immunizations will be prohibited from moving into the residence halls until the documentation is provided, and the University is under no obligation to prorate or forgive room charges for any delayed entry.
Download the Immunization Form here
Immunizations Required for All Charleston and Beckley Students
- MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) or MMRV (measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella). All in-seat students born after 1956 must provide documentation of immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella.
MMR and MMRV Centers for Disease Control Guidance are found here.
Additional Immunizations Required for Charleston Residential Students
- Hepatitis B. If you live in university housing, you must provide documentation of immunization for Hepatitis B. You must provide one of the following:
- Documentation of having initiated the series of Hepatitis B immunizations and updates indicates that you continue to receive the series of immunizations on schedule until all three immunizations have been given. The student is expected to complete the immunizations within six months of initiation of the series.
- Documentation of completion of a three-shot series for Hepatitis B
- Documentation of a titer indicating immunity to Hepatitis B
- HepB Centers for Disease Control Guidance found here.
- Meningococcal Meningitis ACWY (MCV4 / Quadrivalent). All entering full-time residential students must provide documentation of immunization against meningococcal meningitis ACWY.
- Students must provide documentation of receipt of at least a dose of Meningococcal Vaccine for types ACWY after age 16.
- The recommendation is that all individuals living in campus housing receive a booster every five (5) years.
- MenACWY Centers for Disease Control Guidance is found here.
Additional Immunizations and Tests Required for International Students
- Tuberculosis (TB). All full-time international students must provide documentation of having had a Tuberculin skin test (PPD) or blood test to screen for tuberculosis (TB) within six months prior to enrollment in the University regardless of prior BCG immunizations. If the results of either test are positive, a chest x-ray is required. A student may request a waiver from tuberculin skin testing if the student is from a country that the Centers for Disease Control have identified as having a low prevalence of tuberculosis.
Immunizations Recommended for All Charleston and Beckley Students
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV-9). All students are strongly encouraged to receive the Human Papillomavirus vaccine HPV prior to matriculation. Much like the Hepatitis B vaccine, the HPV vaccine is a three-part series of shots that has been shown to drastically reduce the risk of cervical cancer.
- Hepatitis A. All entering full-time students are encouraged to have the hepatitis A Vaccination if they travel to countries or areas where cases of hepatitis A are moderately active.
- All entering full-time students are encouraged to have an annual flu shot at the start of the influenza season.
- Meningococcal Meningitis B. All entering full-time students are encouraged to have immunization against meningococcal meningitis B through either a Bexsero or Trumenba vaccination.
- MenBCenters for Disease Control Guidance found here.
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap, Td). All students are strongly encouraged to receive a booster every 10 years after their last.
- Varicella (Chicken Pox). are strongly encouraged to receive immunization against Chicken Pox.
Students in a Health Science Program
Please consult your individual programs to see if they have specific additional immunization requirements that may differ from those of the University.
Request for Medical Immunization Exemption Waiver
A student may complete a Medical Immunization Exemption Certificate form for review for any required vaccination. The Medical Immunization Exemption Certificate form must be completed at least two weeks prior to the student arriving on campus for the students first semester of attendance at the University. In the case of an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease on campus for which the student has not been immunized, the University reserves the right to ask the student to leave campus until the outbreak is over.
Download the Medical Immunization Exemption Certificate form here.
Contact: Questions regarding a Medical Immunization Exemption Waiver should be directed to the Vice President & Dean of Students at or 304-357-4987.