University of Charleston

University of Charleston

Housing policies, rules and regulations are authorized by the Director of Residence Life & Judicial Affairs, and are subject to change. As set forth in the University of Charleston Housing Contract and the University of Charleston Student Handbook, students are required to comply with all regulations and policies.

Terms and Conditions

  1. All Students who do not meet the housing exemption requirements listed in this contract are required to reside on campus and must sign a Housing Contract as part of their online application in the Housing Portal.
  2. By signing this contract, a resident agrees to accept all terms and conditions required to occupy a room in a residence hall at the University of Charleston. Also, by signing their name at the end of this contract, the resident agrees to abide by all University policies found in the University of Charleston Student Handbook. Violations of these policies, procedures, and regulations may result in cancellation or suspension of this contract and forfeiture of the housing deposit and the entire cost of the contract year or semester. All students who choose to reside on campus are responsible for knowing and observing all policies outlined in the University of Charleston Student Handbook.
  3. This contract is for the full academic year. This contract is binding on both the University and the resident for the entire academic year and cannot be terminated except under conditions cited in this contract.
  4. All students are required to have health insurance while residing on campus. By signing their name at the end of this application, a resident certifies that they have health care coverage, hospital, and major medical. They also confirm that their health insurance is currently in force and will remain in effect during the entire enrollment as a residential student at the University of Charleston.
  5. All residents must provide proof of medical insurance and immunizations as outlined in the University’s enrollment packet before moving into the residence halls.


Copies of proof of medical insurance, immunizations, and the immunization form can be mailed, emailed, or faxed to the following address or fax number:


Residence Life: Housing Assignments
University of Charleston
2300 MacCorkle Ave SE
Charleston, WV 25304

Fax: 304.357.4915


  1. By signing their name at the end of this application, a resident certifies that they have or will have before moving onto campus the following immunizations: MMR, Hepatitis B, and Meningitis. Proof of vaccinations via the Immunization Form and attached records are required of all students. The University strongly recommends that students, in addition to the requirements above, get an HPV vaccination.
  2. By signing their name at the end of this application, a resident certifies that if they need emergency care, University officials will make every attempt to reach their emergency contact for authorization. In the event this person cannot be reached, the Director of Residence Life & Judicial Affairs and/or their designee may act as their representative if deemed necessary until the students’ emergency contact is notified. This consent may be revoked in writing at any point during the semester, except to the extent to which actions have already occurred.
  3. The resident (and parent, if the resident is under 18 years of age) agrees to pay for room and board charges for the entire academic year in accordance with the University’s established billing dates.
  4. A $100 housing deposit is required to reserve a room when submitting this contract. This fee cannot be waived or deferred for any reason. After serving the purpose of reserving a room, the $100 will be held as a housing deposit. Unless otherwise stated in this contract, the housing deposit may be refunded upon the resident’s final departure from the University, if the resident properly checks out using the guidelines published in the University of Charleston Student Handbook and has met all financial obligations to the University.
  5. All residents residing in Brotherton Hall, Middle Hall, and Ratrie Hall are required to purchase a meal plan.
  6. University of Charleston undergraduate housing and residence life programs are designed for traditional-aged college students, who are at least 18 and no more than 24 on December 31 of a given academic year. Housing for students 25 and over may be available in graduate student housing on a space-available basis with prior permission from the Director of Residence Life & Judicial Affairs or their designee.
  7. Students must have a class currently in progress to live on campus during the academic year. Students registered only for the second half of the term will only be allowed to live in housing during the second term.
  8. Students must be admitted to the University and enrolled full time to reside on campus for the duration of each term unless the Director of Residence Life authorizes an exception. An exception can only be requested for students in their final semester of study preceding graduation. The student must be registered for at least six credit hours, have applied for graduation at the end of the term, and be enrolled in at least one course during the duration of the 16-week semester.


Housing Requirement

Undergraduate students are required to live on campus unless they meet one of the following conditions. The student:

  1. will be over the age of 21 by the first day of classes of the Fall Term, or;
  2. has completed 60 or more credit hours, or;
  3. will be living with their parent(s) or guardian(s), who live within 50 miles of campus, or;
  4. has a dependent(s), or;
  5. will have less than 12 credit hours during the semester, or;
  6. is not an athlete, or;
  7. is currently married.

To apply for an exemption, the student will need to complete a Housing Exemption request in the housing portal. Housing Exemptions are approved on a rolling basis and may require additional information for approval by the Director of Residence Life or their designee.

Contract Provisions

  1. Continued residence is not guaranteed for future semesters.
  2. A resident may occupy their assigned room from the date designated as the official opening of the hall through 24 hours after their final examination or the final day the halls are open for the semester, but not during winter or summer recesses, unless authorized by the Director of Residence Life & Judicial Affairs or their designee.
  3. To the extent reasonably possible, residents will be assigned rooms in accordance with the information stated on their application. No guarantee is made, however, that a resident’s assignment preference or specific request will be honored. The University will try to meet preferences of room assignments; however, no guarantee of a particular assignment is offered, implied, or made hereby. By signing this contract, the resident agrees to accept and pay for the room assigned by the University.
  4. The University reserves the right to cancel a resident’s Housing Contract if the resident is deemed by the Director of Residence Life & Judicial Affairs or their designee, to be a threat to the safety, welfare, or security of the residence halls and/or its residents.
  5. The University also reserves the right to temporarily suspend a resident’s Housing Contract if the Director of Residence Life & Judicial Affairs or their designee, has reasonable cause to believe the resident poses a threat to the safety of themselves, other persons, or University property in accordance with the University of Charleston Student Handbook.
  6. Residents will be held responsible for the condition of their room and its furnishings and for any loss or damage other than normal wear that may occur during their occupancy. A resident must sign an electronic Room Condition Report Form upon moving into an assigned room, verifying the condition of the room at the commencement of their occupancy. Upon moving out of a room, a resident must meet with a Residence Life staff member to complete and sign their electronic Room Condition Report Form and to return all assigned keys. Damage billing to individual residents will be based upon the Room Condition Report Form. Failure to properly check out of a room will result in a forfeiture of the resident’s housing deposit, a charge of $100 fine for improper checkout, as well as the right to contest any assessed damages.
  7. Individuals who intentionally or accidentally cause damage, theft, loss, or special repair services to be performed in common areas of a residential facility will be assessed the cost of repair, replacement, and/or restoration of the damaged property. Such an assessment does not preclude the imposition of additional disciplinary sanctions. Where individual responsibility cannot be determined, costs will be assessed to residents who share the joint space, floor, or building.
  8. The University reserves the right to enter any room for maintenance repair, to investigate an alleged violation of policies and procedures found in the University of Charleston Student Handbook, during Hall closings, during emergencies, during fire drills, and for other reasons supported by just cause, so long as the entry and search are not done in an arbitrary and capricious manner which unnecessarily deprives a student of fundamental constitutional protections.
  9. During the entire period of the contract—including recesses—the University is not responsible for the loss or damage of the personal property of any resident or other individuals due to fire, theft, or other causes. The University suggests that students obtain renters insurance to protect against loss by fire, theft, or other reasons before taking residence in any residence hall.
  10. The University is not responsible for personal property left in the residence halls after the expiration or cancellation of the contract and will not be liable for property left in common spaces of the building during the contract period. Such property will be considered abandoned and will be discarded by the University. The resident will be responsible for any costs incurred by the University for the removal of abandoned property.
  11. If a student is evicted from the residence halls, withdraws, or is dismissed from the University, they must vacate their residence hall 24 hours after the decision, unless the Director of Residence Life & Judicial Affairs or their designee grants an extension.
  12. Any or all of the terms of this Housing Contract may be modified (and/or the Housing Contract may be canceled in its entirety) in the University’s discretion due to any of the following causes: acts of God, accident, riots, war, terrorist act, epidemic, pandemic, quarantine, civil commotion, breakdown of communication facilities, breakdown of web host, failure of internet service provider, natural catastrophes, governmental acts or omissions, changes in laws or regulations, national strikes, fire, explosion, generalized lack of availability of raw materials or energy. Additionally, the University reserves the right to modify room assignments, conditions and/or restrictions as it deems necessary in its discretion and reserves all other rights preserved (as well as all others that are not restricted) by other provisions of this Housing Contract. Financial aid awards may be applied in whole or in part to my housing and meal plan costs. In the case of disruption of the academic year due to pandemic or other unforeseen circumstances, any refund of room and board may not exceed the amount I paid for room and board after the application of my aid award.

New Roommates and Room Consolidation

  1. Any resident assigned to a room or a resident who self-selects a room where not all beds have been assigned must keep an available space ready for a roommate to move-in. Designated furniture needs to be available, and the room needs to be reasonably clean. Any special services required to prepare the room for a new roommate will be charged to the resident currently residing in the room.
  2. During initial housing selection, as well as throughout the academic year, the University reserves the right to consolidate vacancies or make other changes in room assignments by requiring residents to move and to change assignments if deemed necessary. Any student who refuses reassignment may be referred for disciplinary action for failure to comply with University Officials.
  3. A resident may be given the option to buyout the open space in their room after the second week of classes in the fall or spring if approved by the Director of Residence Life and/or their designee.
  4. If a resident(s) refuses to accept a roommate or, in the judgment of the University, attempts to force a roommate out of a shared room, the University may require such resident(s) to be responsible for the total cost of the shared room. Residence Life works with roommates in conflict through informal and formal mediation processes to assist residents in embracing differences and learning life skills.
  5. Requests for a roommate change will only be granted after the end of the third week of scheduled classes during the fall and spring terms if the residents in conflict have exhausted all appropriate mediatory options.


Housing Contact Terminations

Full Academic Year


Residents who enter into a Housing Contract for the entire academic year may terminate their housing contract as follows:


  1. If a resident completes a Housing Cancellation Form online after June 30, the Housing Contract shall terminate, and the resident shall forfeit the full amount of the housing deposit.
  2. If the resident completes a Housing Cancellation Form after they have moved into their residence hall assignment, then the resident shall pay a prorated charge for the amount of time they resided on campus for both their housing and meal plan and forfeits their housing deposit.
  3. If a resident cancels their housing via the online Housing Cancellation Form at the end of the Fall semester, they will be refunded their housing deposit, less any damages or fines.


Spring Semester Only


Residents who enter into a Housing Contract for the spring term only may terminate the housing contract as follows:


  1. If the resident completes a Housing Cancellation Form after December 1, the Housing Contract shall terminate, and the resident shall forfeit the full amount of the housing deposit.
  2. If the resident completes a Housing Cancellation Form after they have moved into their residence hall assignment, then the resident shall pay a prorated charge for the amount of time they resided on campus for both their housing and meal plan.
  3. If a resident cancels their housing via the online Housing Cancellation Form at the end of the Spring semester, they will be refunded their housing deposit, less any damages or fines.

Graduation, Student Teaching, Academic Dismissal, Withdrawal, Eviction, and Expulsion.


  1. Housing contracts for residents who graduate from the University in the spring shall be automatically terminated upon graduation, once the resident has completed a Housing Cancellation Form.
  2. Housing contracts for residents who graduate from the University in the fall shall be terminated at the end of the fall semester, once the resident has completed a Housing Cancellation Form.
  3. Housing contracts for residents who begin student teaching in the spring semester can be terminated at the end of the fall semester if the resident completes a Housing Cancellation Form.
  4. Housing contracts for residents who are dismissed from the University for Academic Reasons at the end of the fall semester shall be terminated at the end of the fall semester.
  5. Residents who withdraw from the University in the fall semester can be terminated at the end of the fall semester if the resident completes a Housing Cancellation Form.
  6. Residents who withdraw from the University in the spring semester can be terminated at the end of the fall semester if the resident completes a Housing Cancellation Form.
  7. Residents who are evicted from housing and residents who are expelled for violations of the University of Charleston Student Handbook are subject to the terms outlined in the University of Charleston Student Handbook.

General Housing Policies


Rules and regulations are authorized by the Director of Residence Life & Judicial Affairs- and are subject to change. As set forth in this Housing Contract and the University of Charleston Student Handbook, students are required to comply with all regulations and policies including, but not limited to, the following:


  1. Appliance Policy: The University discourages the use of electrical appliances in student rooms. The following are prohibited in the residence halls: halogen lamps, hot plates, electric coils, sun lamps, air conditioners, electric blankets, heaters, toaster ovens, electric percolators, hot pots, and any electrical appliance which has an open heating element. Appliances such as curling irons and clothing irons should be used with care and may not be left unattended while in use.
  2. Fire Safety: Failure to evacuate a building during a fire alarm and the theft or improper use of firefighting equipment, detection, and alarm equipment is prohibited. The use of candles and incense is also prohibited.
  3. Guest/Visitor Registration: For the Guest Visitation Policy please refer to the University of Charleston Student Handbook.
  4. Keys: The unauthorized use or reproduction of a key for any residence hall room or facility is prohibited. Lost keys must be reported to the Residence Director immediately and will result in a lock change. The resident responsible for the lost room key will be billed $125 for the lock change.
  5. Security: Residents are responsible for the general security of their residence hall. Acts that compromise building security are prohibited. Specifically, residents are prohibited from propping open any exterior doors that are typically closed for security purposes. Residents are expected to lock their room doors and to report thefts and vandalism immediately to their Residence Director. Residents of a room are responsible for the security and use of the room in accordance with University policies, rules and regulations.
  6. Windows: Residents are prohibited from: (1) removing or damaging window screens in student rooms or public areas in residence halls; (2) placing any objects outside the window, including aerials and similar equipment; (3) placing themselves on building ledges or roofs; (4) throwing objects or shouting from windows.


By submitting a housing application after reading this contract, it constitutes an agreement to comply with the terms and conditions of the Housing Contract and all policies and procedures of the University of Charleston.

Housing Requirement

Undergraduate students are required to live on campus unless they meet one of the following conditions. The student:

  1. will be over the age of 21 by the first day of classes of the Fall Term, or;
  2. has completed 60 or more credit hours, or;
  3. will be living with their parent(s) or guardian(s), who live within 50 miles of campus, or;
  4. has a dependent(s), or;
  5. will have less than 12 credit hours during the semester, or;
  6. is currently married.

To apply for an exemption, the student will need to complete a Housing Exemption request in the housing portal.   Housing Exemptions are approved on a rolling basis and may require additional information for approval by the Director of Residence Life or their designee.  Student Athletes must have a special approval from the Vice President & Athletic Director to be approved for a housing exemption.

By submitting a housing exemption after reading these terms, it constitutes an agreement to comply with the terms and conditions of the Housing Contract discussing the Housing Requirement and all policies and procedures of the University of Charleston.  Providing false information on a University Document is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

Ryan White

Director of Residence Life & Judicial Affairs