University of Charleston

University of Charleston


Strategic Planning for Growth

All the best athletes have one thing in common – they have a coach to push them to achieve their best performance. Just as coaching is an essential part of achieving a great sporting career, it has become essential for running a successful business. A business coach or advisor brings a fresh and unbiased perspective to improving the way you run and manage your company. They will guide, motivate, reassure, and push both you and your employees, helping your business to perform at the optimum level. Based on the above principle, MAUS has developed the MAUS Accredited Partner Network.

The Downtown Innovation Hub (DIH) is a MAUS Certified Business Advisor Partner. Utilizing the MAUS program DIH staff will provide expert guidance to accelerate your business. There will be no “one-size fits all” approach. Personalized assistance will be provided while simplifying issues, solidifying goals, identifying strategic direction, improving productivity, and much more. This module will focus on looking at the big picture and making good business decisions.

Managing for Profitability

As the owner or manager of an independent business, you put tremendous amounts of time and effort into running the company. But how do you make sure you are not just running in place? “Profit Mastery®: Creating Value and Building Wealth” will empower you to make and keep more of your hard-earned money. This hands-on workshop is designed to take the mystery out of the numbers and give you practical financial tools and perspectives to help make better business decisions.

The Profit Mastery workshop consists of sixteen hours of hands-on classroom activities, which can be delivered over two consecutive days or presented in smaller segments, according to the needs of the client. Workshops are all delivered in a practical, plain-English style to ensure the highest comprehension and retention. A Profit Mastery-certified facilitator, using a high-definition video presentation, will guide the pace, tone, and interaction during the workshop.

Profit Mastery University

Marketing & Sales Strategy

After 10 years of building digital marketing courses and teaching over 120,000 marketers, Digital Marketer has changed the paradigm of the marketing profession. We have helped turn marketers from overlooked and temporary individuals into vital and indispensable components to business success.

We did this by creating a systematized process that combines the ever-changing methods of marketing (email, social media, content, influencer, SEO, etc.) into a cohesive process that delivers results.

Rather than dictating how we think you should use different marketing methods, we partner with active marketing professionals that are making money using proven practices. We then combine these techniques with our cohesive process to help you acquire clients and guide them to success.

Digital Marketer

Operations & Human Resources

Much of the time, the primary focus of a growing firm is on capital resources, sales, and delivery – which leaves little time for human resources. Therefore, module 4 focuses on the firm’s operations facet, with an intentional drill-in on setting SMART objectives and effective delegation from leadership. The closeout of this module will include a guest speaker from the business lending community to set expectations for the final two modules.

Financial Readiness

Financial Planning