Teresa Preston, MBA, MPAS, PA-C

Department of Physician Assistant Studies Program Director
Associate Professor
Professor Teresa Preston grew up in rural Pennsylvania on a 40-acre farm. She started a private tutoring business after graduating from college with degrees in chemistry and biology. In 2002, she entered PA school as an older adult. In 2004, she started her career as a PA. Her first job was working as a Family Medicine PA in a small rural community in Central Pennsylvania, where she was the only full-time primary-care provider for that community. In 2006, Professor Preston went into academia, teaching at the University where she earned her PA degree. During that time, she also spent 6 years working in Internal Medicine and Gynecology as a PA for a Free Medical Clinic and earned an MBA. In 2014, she became a PA Program Director, retiring in 2020. But, after two years of retirement, she still had a yearning to be in PA education and took a Program Director position with the University of Charleston. She loves the outdoors, animals, sports (especially golf), travel, peace, helping others, and being with family.
- M.B.A., Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA
- M.P.A.S., Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA
- B.S., Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
- B.S., Biology, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
- Two-year research project: Under the direction of Dr. Mamie Moist, who received grant monies to conduct service-learning research, and tutelage from Southern Alleghenies Learn and Serve Alliance; developed, embedded, and implemented Service-Learning into the Introduction to Medicine courses at Saint Francis University with the Dorothy Day Center as the Community Partner. Developed goals and objectives, methods of data collection, collected and analyzed the data, calculated, and analyzed the statistics, reflected on the results from multiple perspectives, provided first and second-year annual report narratives to Dr. Moist (2008-2010)
- Manuscript Review: Selected chapters from Rosenthal, Lehne’s Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Providers, 2e. (2019)
- Peer Review: Pre-revision review of Ballweg et al: Physician Assistant, 6e. (2018)
- Massey, S., Holmerud, D., Hammond, J., Preston, T., Tipton, L., Rizzolo, D. (2015). Correlation of the Physician Assistant Education Association End of Rotation Examinations with the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam. Journal of Physician Assistant Education, 26, 144146.
- Lippincott Publishing Focus Group Participant for the Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics Text Revision (2012)
- Major Contributor to Video Production for the Saint Francis University “Free Health Screening” Event (2011)
- Peer Review: Reviewed outline for text entitled “The Ten-Minute Guide to the Heart” (2010)
- Peer Review: Reviewed text entitled “The Preceptor’s Handbook: A Guide to Effective Supervision” for Jones & Bartlett Learning Publishing Company (2010)
- Preston, T.R. (2024, Apr 16). Student Professionalism Evaluation [Invited Presentation]. University of Charleston Health Science Program Directors Meeting, Charleston, West Virginia, United States.
- Preston, T.R., Rader, B. (2022, Jun 28). STEM, Economically Disadvantaged, 1st Generation College Student, The PA Profession, and The UC PA Program [Invited Presentation]. West Virginia State University, Institute, West Virginia, United States.
- Preston, T.R. (one of four panel members). (2019, Oct. 12). The Opportunities and Challenges of Implementing CASPer: A Non-Cognitive Admissions Test [Invited Conference Presentation]. Physician Assistant Education Association CME Forum, Washington, D.C., United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2018, Oct 12). Role of the Physician Assistant in Wound Healing [Invited Conference Presentation]. Academy of Physicians on Wound Healing CME Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Preston, T.R. (2018, Dec 6; 2017, Dec 7; 2016, Dec 8). Becoming a Physician Assistant [Invited Speaker]. William Carey University, Hattiesburg, MS, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2018, Oct 12). Key Points of Nutrition to Help Your Patients [Invited Conference Presentation]. Academy of Physicians on Wound Healing CME Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2015, Oct 6). Transforming Students through Service-Learning and Community Engagement [Invited Presentation]. Slippery Rock University Professional Development Day, Slippery Rock, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2015, Apr 17). The PA School and the PA Profession [Invited Speaker for Theodore Roosevelt High School Students from Kent, OH]. Athletic Health Care and Fitness Tech Prep Class at Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2015, Apr 13). Girls Rock at STEM [Invited Speaker]. Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2015, Mar 2). Purchase of Har-Mer Elementary School: Renovation, New Location for PA Program, PA Program Information [Invited Speaker]. Harrisville Town Hall Meeting, Harrisville, PA, United States.
- Norton, C., Preston, T.R., (2015, Jan 21). New PA Program Proposal [Invited Proposal Presentation]. Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Board of Governors, Harrisburg, PA, United States.
- Massey, S., Preston, T.R., (2014, Nov 13). Inclusive Excellence & International Education: Passport to Success through Innovation, Creativity, and Engagement “Cooperative Learning Implementation Guidelines” [Invited Presentation]. 2014 Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Summit, Millersville, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2014). New PA Program Proposal [Invited Proposal Presentation]. Slippery Rock University Council of Trustees, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2014). New PA Program [Invited Presentation]. Slippery Rock University Foundation, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (Spring 2013, Fall 2009). Sleep-Get your Zzzzz’s [Invited Presentation]. Community Enrichment Series, Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2013, Feb 21). Service-Learning Round Table Discussion [Invited Participant]. Southern Alleghenies Learn and Serve Alliance, Mercyhurst University, Erie, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2012, Oct 17-20). Breast Self-Exam vs Breast Self-Awareness: A Controversy in the Making [Poster Presentation]. Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants 37th Annual Continuing Medical Education Conference, King of Prussia, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2012, Oct 4). Wounds of Poverty Round Table Discussion [Invited Speaker]. Day of Reflection School of Health Sciences Representative, Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2012, Aug 9). Free Health Screening Clinic [Invited Speaker]. Rotary Club of Ebensburg, PA #5227-District 7330, Ebensburg, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2012, May 11). Free Medical Screening Clinic [Invited Presentation]. Community Development Week Offering, Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2012, May 9). Fall Health Screening Event [Invited Presentation]. Community Development Week Offering, Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2011, Oct). Free Health Screening Clinic [Invited Speaker]. Day of Reflection Breakout Session, Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2011, May 11). Free Medical Screening Clinic [Invited Speaker]. Community Development Week Offering, Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2011, Apr 13). General Education Committee Standards and Admissions Meeting: Credit Transfer Revision [Invited Spokesperson]. Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (Spring 2011). Wellness Task Force Implementation Committee Representative [Invited Spokesperson]. Curriculum Committee Meeting, Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2010, Sep 22). Free Health Screening Clinic Proposal [Proposal Presentation]. President’s Council, Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2010, May 10). New General Education Curriculum Representative [Invited Speaker]. Faculty Senate Meeting, Faculty Development Week, Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (Summer 2009). Impacting Communities through Service Learning [Invited Speaker]. 2nd Annual Southern Alleghenies Learn and Serve Alliance Workshop, Mount Aloysius College, Cresson, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (Fall 2008). Do PAs Have Personality [Poster Presentation]. Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants 33rd Annual Continuing Medical Education Conference, King of Prussia, PA, United States.
- Preston, T.R., (2008). Diabetes Project [Invited Presentation]. TEAMS 2008 Summer Science Institute Conference, Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA, United States.
- Grant Recipient: Mid-South Physician Assistant Training Network—Christian Brothers University, HRSA Grant #D57HP32743, 2019-2024. Grant amount: $1,499,811—Project Director, co-wrote grant with Delta Health Alliance, managing and reporting grant with Christian Brothers University. (2019-2020)
- Delta Health Alliance Advisory Board Member (2018-2020) Academy of Physicians on Wound Healing ex-officio non-voting Board Member (2016-2019)
- Contributed to the development of the Academy of Physicians on Wound Healing (APWH) mid-level National Wound Certification Exam (2019)
- Project Review. Pre-Conception Health: Why is it important? Delta Health Alliance (9/30/2019) PA Program Consultant (9/25/19) Medical Accuracy Review for HIP Teens (Health Improvement Project for Teens), Delta Health Alliance (3/5/2019) Awarded $10,000 unrestricted funds for the PA Program for service on the Delta Health Alliance Advisory Board (2018)
- Meeting with the National Coordinator of Project Access to discuss Project Access, an outreach program for minority high schools (9/20/18)
- Web Admit User Consultant for University Admissions Office (8/24/18)
- PA Program Consultant (4/17/18) Memphis Area Interprofessional Summit Participant, Southern College of Optometry, Memphis, TN (11/14/17)
- Grant Recipient: Development of Special Needs Populations Curriculum for New Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (MSPAS) Program—Slippery Rock University, PASSHE Foundation Highmark Healthcare Academic Program Development, 2014-2015. Grant amount: $15,000—Project Director, wrote grant, managing grant, will report grant.
- Grant: Quality Simulation Genitourinary and Gynecologic Examination Training for Students of New Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (MSPAS) Program—Slippery Rock University, PASSHE Foundation Highmark Healthcare Academic Program Development, 20142015. Grant amount: $5,817—Project Director, wrote grant, managing grant, will report grant.
- Liberal Studies Revision Consultant: Thematic Minors in General Education (2014) National Health Service Core Liaison, Saint Francis University (2012-2014) Volunteer for the Remote Area Medical organization in Grundy, Virginia to provide medical care to an underserved community (10/5/12-10/9/12)
- National Health Service Core Liaison, Saint Francis University (2012-2014)
- Volunteer for the Remote Area Medical organization in Grundy, Virginia to provide medical care to an underserved community (10/5/12-10/9/12)
- Coordinator/Organizer of Saint Francis University’s Free Health Screening Events: 1st Event (10-16-10), 2nd Event (4-3-11), 3rd Event (10-8-12), 4th Event (9-22-12)
- Blair County Colorectal Cancer Prevention Coalition/Task Force Member (2008-2011)
- Served on a committee designed to develop and prepare for the Hollidaysburg YMCA Health and Wellness Fair (Fall 2008)
Organizational Involvement
- Physician Assistant Education Association Member
- Fellow, American Academy of Physician Associates
- Academy of Physicians on Wound Healing Member
- Past Member, Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants
- Past Member, Delta Health Alliance Advisory Board
- Past Member, Blair County Colorectal Cancer Prevention Coalition/Task Force