John Adkins, M.A., M.S.L.S.

- MSLS, University of Kentucky, 2004
- MA Humanities (Historical Studies), West Virginia Graduate College, 1997
- BA, West Virginia State College, 1990
Current Research
- Copyright in higher education
- Information literacy instruction in higher education
- Intersection of technology and libraries
- “The Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency and C.E. Lively.” Mountain Messenger: the Journal of the West Virginia Labor History Association (May 1997): 11-14.
- “Boone County.” In The West Virginia Encyclopedia, edited by Ken Sullivan, 73-4. Charleston, WV: West Virginia Humanities Council, 2006.
- “Fences.” (with Ron Lewis) In The West Virginia Encyclopedia, edited by Ken Sullivan, 235. Charleston, WV: West Virginia Humanities Council, 2006.
- “Saltpeter Mining.” In The West Virginia Encyclopedia, edited by Ken Sullivan, 637-8. Charleston, WV: West Virginia Humanities Council, 2006.
- “Simon Kenton.” In The West Virginia Encyclopedia, edited by Ken Sullivan, 400. Charleston, WV: West Virginia Humanities Council, 2006.
- Review of Growth, Creativity, and Collaboration: Great Visions on a Great Lake, Roaring into Our 20’s: NASIG 2005, and Mile-High Views: Surveying the Serials Vista (NASIG Conference Proceedings, 2004-6). Library Resources & Technical Services 52, no. 4 (October 2008): 267-270.
- Review of The Measure of Library Excellence: Linking the Malcolm Baldridge Criteria and Balanced Scorecard Methods to Assess Quality by Despina Dapias Wilson, Theresa Del Tufo and Anne E. C. Norman, Counterpoise 12, no. 1 (2008): 35-6.
- Review of Mother Jones: The Most Dangerous Woman in America by Elliott J. Gorn in West Virginia History 59 (2001-2003): 176-77.
- Review of Baldwin-Felts Detectives, Inc., by John A Velke III in West Virginia History 58 (1999-2000): 169-70.
Avid reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature Miniature, board, and computer gamer.