HEERF Student Communications (2021)
Good evening!
On behalf of the HEERF Student Grant Review Committee, I am excited to inform you that you will be receiving a HEERF grant. In determining the amount of each award we considered student need as mandated by Federal guidelines, reported covid-related expenses, and institutionally-determined category maximums in order to assist as many students as possible. You will be able to see the amount of your award in your student portal once it is posted to your account. Processing will begin on Monday, December 13, and will take up to 10 business days to complete. Please wait until December 27 to reach out if you have not seen an award in your account.
Please note that the grant will be processed according to your current refund method preference
We hope these funds are helpful to you. Happy Holidays!
Beth Wolfe, Ed.D.
Executive Vice President of Enrollment Management
Good afternoon!
Thank you for your patience as we have been working through the nearly 1,000 HEERF grant applications we received this fall. Here is a quick update on where we are in the process and what comes next….
We have been using a two-reviewer process to determine the award amount for each applicant. We have completed the first level review on all applications and are a little more than halfway through the second level of review. We are hoping to complete the reviews before the Thanksgiving holiday.
Once the reviews are complete, we will begin the process of entering the award amounts for each student into our financial system. If you are currently enrolled at UC for the Fall 2021 semester and you elected to receive your grant money directly (not applied to a balance), your grant will be processed in accordance with your current selection of refund type (check or direct deposit).
If you are not currently enrolled at UC for the Fall 2021 semester, we will need you to confirm your current mailing address to which a check will be mailed. You may reply to this email with your name, UC ID number or date of birth, and current mailing address to provide that information to prevent delays in receiving grant funds.
We will send another email message when funds are disbursed. Our goal is to have this process complete prior to Christmas, but we cannot guarantee that this will be the case as this is a very labor-intensive process due to the individualized nature of the award amounts.
If you have any questions, please direct them to this email address (heerfgrant@ucwv.edu).
Thank you!
HEERF Grant Review Committee Members
Good afternoon!
During the application period for the HEERF III student grants, we received nearly 1,000 applications for assistance. We know that this funding is very important to our students, and we are working diligently to process these as expediently as possible. Please know that due to the high volume of applications, it will likely take several weeks for us to review the applications, determine award amounts, and disburse monies to students. Thank you in advance for your patience as we work through this process. We will be in touch as soon as possible with updates and next steps.
Best regards,
Beth Wolfe, Ed.D.
Executive Vice President of Enrollment Management
Dear Former UC Student,
Applications to receive funds through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) are due tomorrow (Thursday, September 30) at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time to receive full consideration. Any applications received after this time will be considered ONLY if there are remaining funds to be awarded.
If you have submitted an application and received confirmation that it went through, PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT ANOTHER APPLICATION.
The grant application is available online here https://econnections.ucwv.edu/forms/heerf and should take you 10 minutes or less to complete. You will need to have estimated dollar amounts for Covid-related expenses/loss of income to complete the form. While you are not required to complete the FAFSA to be considered, you are encouraged to submit it if you are eligible to do so. All UC students, regardless of citizenship status (domestic or international), are eligible to apply for HEERF III grants.
The review process will begin on Friday, October 1. We have received more than 600 applications already, so we appreciate your patience while we thoroughly review all of them.
Questions about the application process can be sent to heerfgrant@ucwv.edu.
We strongly encourage all students who suffered financial hardship due to Covid to apply for these funds.
The University of Charleston has been allocated a third installment of funds from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund from the federal government to provide grants to students who were financially impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Any student who was enrolled at UC on or after March 13, 2020 can be considered for a grant from this allocation of funds. You do NOT have to be currently enrolled at UC to be eligible for a HEERF III grant. If you incurred unexpected expenses, loss of income, or other financial difficulties directly due to Covid, you are encouraged to apply for one of these emergency grants.
The grant application is available online here https://econnections.ucwv.edu/forms/heerf and should take you 10 minutes or less to complete. You will need to have estimated dollar amounts for Covid-related expenses/loss of income to complete the form. All individuals who were UC students at any time between March 13, 2020 and now, regardless of citizenship status (domestic or international), are eligible to apply for HEERF III grants.
The priority deadline for submitting the grant application is 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday, September 30. Applications received after this deadline will be considered only if there are remaining funds to be awarded.
Questions about the application process can be directed to heerfgrant@ucwv.edu.
We strongly encourage all students who suffered financial hardship due to Covid to apply for these funds.
Beth Wolfe, Ed.D.
Executive Vice President of Enrollment Management
Dear Student,
Applications to receive funds through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) are due tomorrow (Thursday, September 30) at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time to receive full consideration. Any applications received after this time will be considered ONLY if there are remaining funds to be awarded.
If you have submitted an application and received confirmation that it went through, PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT ANOTHER APPLICATION.
The grant application is available online here https://econnections.ucwv.edu/forms/heerf and should take you 10 minutes or less to complete. You will need to have estimated dollar amounts for Covid-related expenses/loss of income to complete the form. While you are not required to complete the FAFSA to be considered, you are encouraged to submit it if you are eligible to do so. All UC students, regardless of citizenship status (domestic or international), are eligible to apply for HEERF III grants.
The review process will begin on Friday, October 1. We have received more than 600 applications already, so we appreciate your patience while we thoroughly review all of them.
Questions about the application process can be sent to heerfgrant@ucwv.edu.
We strongly encourage all students who suffered financial hardship due to Covid to apply for these funds.
Dear Student,
The University of Charleston has been allocated a third installment of funds from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund from the federal government to provide grants to students who were financially impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Any student who was or is enrolled at UC on or after March 13, 2020 can be considered for a grant from this allocation of funds. If you incurred unexpected expenses, loss of income, or other financial difficulties directly due to Covid, you are encouraged to apply for one of these emergency grants.
The grant application is available online here https://econnections.ucwv.edu/forms/heerf and should take you 10 minutes or less to complete. You will need to have estimated dollar amounts for Covid-related expenses/loss of income to complete the form. While you are not required to complete the FAFSA to be considered, you are encouraged to submit it if you are eligible to do so. All UC students, regardless of citizenship status (domestic or international), are eligible to apply for HEERF III grants.
The priority deadline for submitting the grant application is 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday, September 30. Applications received after this deadline will be considered only if there are remaining funds to be awarded.
Questions about the application process can be sent to heerfgrant@ucwv.edu.
We strongly encourage all students who suffered financial hardship due to Covid to apply for these funds.
Beth Wolfe, Ed.D.
Executive Vice President of Enrollment Management
What’s the latest on the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF II) grants?
§ At the end of 2020, Congress passed a coronavirus stimulus package that included additional funding for higher education including money to provide in direct grants to students. Now that Spring B enrollments are finalized, we can complete our review of student eligibility for the HEERF II grants.
To be eligible for these awards, you must be eligible for federal Title IV aid. All Title IV eligible students who are enrolled in Spring classes, whether in-seat or online, will be considered in the pool of recipients. The amount of each award will depend on several factors: 1. The total number of eligible students, 2. Prioritizing students with exceptional need, such as those who receive the Pell Grant, 3. Whether a student is in an in-seat or online program, and 4. Whether a student is enrolled full time or part time.
We are currently working through the list of Spring students to see how many students fall in each eligibility category. Once award amounts are determined, it will take additional time to post all awards to student accounts. We anticipate this process being complete by the end of April. At this time, if you have not already enrolled in direct deposit for university refunds, we recommend that you do so (please see attached instructions). That will be the fastest way to receive the HEERF II grant if you are eligible. If you have questions regarding your eligibility, you are encouraged to email Dr. Beth Wolfe, EVP of Enrollment Management, at elizabethwolfe@ucwv.edu.
Good afternoon!
On December 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) was signed into law. This Act included the authorization of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) which provided emergency student aid for the purpose of assisting eligible students with their expenses. UC received $611,494 under the emergency student aid program for distribution to eligible students. Under section 314(c)(3) of the CRRSAA, students may use these funds for any component of their cost of attendance or for emergency costs that have arisen due to the coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care, or child care.
The Department of Education (ED) provided guidance to higher education institutions regarding implementation of delivering the student grants. Institutions were to prioritize grants to students with exceptional financial need. UC utilized the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) determination from the 2020-21 FAFSA to meet this guideline.
As a result of this guidance, UC awarded emergency financial grants from the HEERF II funds to students under the following conditions:
- Group 1: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021, who had a full-time course load (12 or more undergraduate hours or 9 or more graduate hours) as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,711 or less. These students were awarded $443.41.
- Group 2: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021 who had a part-time course load (less than 12 undergraduate hours or less than 9 graduate hours), OR who were enrolled in an online degree-seeking program as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,711 or less. These students were awarded $250.
- Group 3: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021, who had a full-time course load (12 or more undergraduate hours or 9 or more graduate hours) as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,712 or greater, OR who did not have an EFC on file. These students were awarded $200.
- Group 4: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021 who had a part-time course load (less than 12 undergraduate hours or less than 9 graduate hours), OR who were enrolled in an online degree-seeking program as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,712 or greater OR who did not have a FAFSA on file. These students were awarded $100.
You have been identified as eligible for a HEERF student grant in Group 4. The awards are currently being processed by the Office of Financial Aid. You will receive your grant either through direct deposit or by check according to your current refund preferences in your student portal. Any questions about the method of receipt should be addressed to billpayment@ucwv.edu. You should receive your grant electronically or by mail by April 30, 2021.
If you have questions about our awarding process or your grant, please do not hesitate to contact me or Christie Tomczyk, Director of Financial Aid, at christinetomczyk@ucwv.edu.
Have a great summer, and WINGS UP!
Beth Wolfe, Ed.D.
Executive Vice President of Enrollment Management
Good afternoon!
On December 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) was signed into law. This Act included the authorization of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) which provided emergency student aid for the purpose of assisting eligible students with their expenses. UC received $611,494 under the emergency student aid program for distribution to eligible students. Under section 314(c)(3) of the CRRSAA, students may use these funds for any component of their cost of attendance or for emergency costs that have arisen due to the coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care, or child care.
The Department of Education (ED) provided guidance to higher education institutions regarding implementation of delivering the student grants. Institutions were to prioritize grants to students with exceptional financial need. UC utilized the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) determination from the 2020-21 FAFSA to meet this guideline.
As a result of this guidance, UC awarded emergency financial grants from the HEERF II funds to students under the following conditions:
- Group 1: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021, who had a full-time course load (12 or more undergraduate hours or 9 or more graduate hours) as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,711 or less. These students were awarded $443.41.
- Group 2: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021 who had a part-time course load (less than 12 undergraduate hours or less than 9 graduate hours), OR who were enrolled in an online degree-seeking program as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,711 or less. These students were awarded $250.
- Group 3: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021, who had a full-time course load (12 or more undergraduate hours or 9 or more graduate hours) as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,712 or greater, OR who did not have an EFC on file. These students were awarded $200.
- Group 4: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021 who had a part-time course load (less than 12 undergraduate hours or less than 9 graduate hours), OR who were enrolled in an online degree-seeking program as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,712 or greater OR who did not have a FAFSA on file. These students were awarded $100.
You have been identified as eligible for a HEERF student grant in Group 3. The awards are currently being processed by the Office of Financial Aid. You will receive your grant either through direct deposit or by check according to your current refund preferences in your student portal. Any questions about the method of receipt should be addressed to billpayment@ucwv.edu. You should receive your grant electronically or by mail by April 30, 2021.
If you have questions about our awarding process or your grant, please do not hesitate to contact me or Christie Tomczyk, Director of Financial Aid, at christinetomczyk@ucwv.edu.
Have a great summer, and WINGS UP!
Beth Wolfe, Ed.D.
Executive Vice President of Enrollment Management
Good afternoon!
On December 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) was signed into law. This Act included the authorization of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) which provided emergency student aid for the purpose of assisting eligible students with their expenses. UC received $611,494 under the emergency student aid program for distribution to eligible students. Under section 314(c)(3) of the CRRSAA, students may use these funds for any component of their cost of attendance or for emergency costs that have arisen due to the coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care, or child care.
The Department of Education (ED) provided guidance to higher education institutions regarding implementation of delivering the student grants. Institutions were to prioritize grants to students with exceptional financial need. UC utilized the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) determination from the 2020-21 FAFSA to meet this guideline.
As a result of this guidance, UC awarded emergency financial grants from the HEERF II funds to students under the following conditions:
- Group 1: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021, who had a full-time course load (12 or more undergraduate hours or 9 or more graduate hours) as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,711 or less. These students were awarded $443.41.
- Group 2: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021 who had a part-time course load (less than 12 undergraduate hours or less than 9 graduate hours), OR who were enrolled in an online degree-seeking program as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,711 or less. These students were awarded $250.
- Group 3: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021, who had a full-time course load (12 or more undergraduate hours or 9 or more graduate hours) as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,712 or greater, OR who did not have an EFC on file. These students were awarded $200.
- Group 4: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021 who had a part-time course load (less than 12 undergraduate hours or less than 9 graduate hours), OR who were enrolled in an online degree-seeking program as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,712 or greater OR who did not have a FAFSA on file. These students were awarded $100.
You have been identified as eligible for a HEERF student grant in Group 2. The awards are currently being processed by the Office of Financial Aid. You will receive your grant either through direct deposit or by check according to your current refund preferences in your student portal. Any questions about the method of receipt should be addressed to billpayment@ucwv.edu. You should receive your grant electronically or by mail by April 30, 2021.
If you have questions about our awarding process or your grant, please do not hesitate to contact me or Christie Tomczyk, Director of Financial Aid, at christinetomczyk@ucwv.edu.
Have a great summer, and WINGS UP!
Beth Wolfe, Ed.D.
Executive Vice President of Enrollment Management
Good afternoon!
On December 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) was signed into law. This Act included the authorization of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) which provided emergency student aid for the purpose of assisting eligible students with their expenses. UC received $611,494 under the emergency student aid program for distribution to eligible students. Under section 314(c)(3) of the CRRSAA, students may use these funds for any component of their cost of attendance or for emergency costs that have arisen due to the coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care, or child care.
The Department of Education (ED) provided guidance to higher education institutions regarding implementation of delivering the student grants. Institutions were to prioritize grants to students with exceptional financial need. UC utilized the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) determination from the 2020-21 FAFSA to meet this guideline.
As a result of this guidance, UC awarded emergency financial grants from the HEERF II funds to students under the following conditions:
- Group 1: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021, who had a full-time course load (12 or more undergraduate hours or 9 or more graduate hours) as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,711 or less. These students were awarded $443.41.
- Group 2: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021 who had a part-time course load (less than 12 undergraduate hours or less than 9 graduate hours), OR who were enrolled in an online degree-seeking program as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,711 or less. These students were awarded $250.
- Group 3: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021, who had a full-time course load (12 or more undergraduate hours or 9 or more graduate hours) as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,712 or greater, OR who did not have an EFC on file. These students were awarded $200.
- Group 4: Students who are US citizens or eligible residents enrolled in an in-seat degree-seeking program in Spring 2021 who had a part-time course load (less than 12 undergraduate hours or less than 9 graduate hours), OR who were enrolled in an online degree-seeking program as of March 29, 2021, and had an EFC from the FAFSA of $5,712 or greater OR who did not have a FAFSA on file. These students were awarded $100.
You have been identified as eligible for a HEERF student grant in Group 1. The awards are currently being processed by the Office of Financial Aid. You will receive your grant either through direct deposit or by check. You should receive your grant electronically or by mail by April 30, 2021.
If you have questions about our awarding process or your grant, please do not hesitate to contact me or Christie Tomczyk, Director of Financial Aid, at christinetomczyk@ucwv.edu.
Have a great summer, and WINGS UP!
Beth Wolfe, Ed.D.
Executive Vice President of Enrollment Management
Dear Students,
Happy Monday!! I hope all of you have had a great Monday and start to your last full week of courses before finals week next week. It is hard to believe that the end of the Spring term is just around the corner. Below you will find some updates to help you navigate the remainder of this term pertaining to finals week, commencement, HEERF II grants, and much more!
- Commencement-
- UC will be hosting three commencement ceremonies on April 24th to celebrate our students who are completing their degrees.
- All students participating in the in-person ceremony have received an email outlining their ceremony time and other important details.
- All guests must have a wristband of the correct color to be allowed to enter the commencement ceremony. Each graduating student who is participating in the in-person ceremony received two wristbands to give to the guest of their choosing. No one, including UC students, faculty, and staff who are not participating in the ceremony will be allowed to enter the events unless they have a guest wristband due to COVID capacity restrictions.
- ANY student who will not be using both of their wristbands for guests, can choose to give their wristband to other students who are participating in their same ceremony time or can bring them to Student Life Office in GSU 309 or to the Bookstore on the Beckley campus. I will then distribute the wristbands to students who are on a waiting list who have asked for an extra wristband.
- Have you completed your Summer 2021 and/or Fall 2021 Class Schedule?
- If you have not completed your class schedule for the next term, please complete it as soon as possible to ensure you are enrolled in the courses you need to progress with your degree program. If you have not scheduled a time to meet with your advisor to complete this process, please reach out to them via email to schedule your appointment.
- We hope all of you are planning to return to UC for the Fall 2021. If for some reason you are thinking about not returning and you are not a graduating student, please email me so we can set up a time to meet and discuss options that may be available for you to stay at UC. We hope to see all of you in the Fall! Also, don’t forget if you are graduating that UC has some amazing graduate degree programs that you can choose to apply to if you wish to continue your academic career.
- Are you ready for Finals Week?
- Finals Week Schedule
- Library Finals Week Hours
- Saturday, 17 April, Noon to 10 PM
- Sunday, 18 April, 1 PM to Midnight
- Monday, 19 April, 8 AM to Midnight
- Tuesday, 20 April, 8 AM to Midnight
- Wednesday, 21 April, 8 AM to Midnight
- Thursday, 22 April, 8 AM to 10 PM
- Friday, 23 April, 8 AM to 5 PM
- FREE Tutoring
- Scheduling an Appointment with a Peer Tutor
- Scheduling an appointment with a Peer Tutor is “easy peasy”. Simply log into your MyUC portal and select the Peer Tutoring link on the left side of the page under UC Links. You can schedule, reschedule, and cancel an appointment from that page. Once you are on the scheduling page you can save it to your favorites on your computer or other electronic device.
- Smarthinking – Online Tutoring
- Smarthinking is an online tutoring platform and is also accessed through your MyUC portal using the link Online Tutoring link. You can submit your writing documents for review, and schedule to meet with a live tutor. In addition, you will be able to get assistance with Science, Nursing, and Business.
- If you have questions or comments, feel free to contact us:
- Dr. Beverly A. Farrow
- Scheduling an Appointment with a Peer Tutor
- Library Finals Week Hours
Director of the Academic Success Center/Coordinator for Disability and Accessibility Services
- Danielle Conyers
Academic Services Coordinator
- Reminder- What’s the latest on the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF II) grants?
- At the end of 2020, Congress passed a coronavirus stimulus package that included additional funding for higher education including money to provide in direct grants to students.
To be eligible for these awards, you must be eligible for federal Title IV aid. All Title IV eligible students who are enrolled in Spring classes, whether in-seat or online, will be considered in the pool of recipients. The amount of each award will depend on several factors: 1. The total number of eligible students, 2. Prioritizing students with exceptional need, such as those who receive the Pell Grant, 3. Whether a student is in an in-seat or online program, and 4. Whether a student is enrolled full time or part time.
We anticipate this process being complete by the end of April. At this time, if you have not already enrolled in direct deposit for university refunds, we recommend that you do so (please see attached instructions). That will be the fastest way to receive the HEERF II grant if you are eligible. If you have questions regarding your eligibility, you are encouraged to email Dr. Beth Wolfe, EVP of Enrollment Management, at elizabethwolfe@ucwv.edu.
- Student Experience Survey Thank You & Winner Announcement-
- Thank you to the 355 students who completed the admissions survey. Your responses are providing us valuable information to share with prospective students. Special congratulations to Petir Abdal, Pharmacy student, for winning the drawing for the Bookstore gift card. Petir, please stop by the Admissions Office (224 Riggleman) with a photo ID to pick up your gift card. While the prize window has ended, the survey is still open and we would love to hear from you if you haven’t yet responded. From- Dr. Beth Wolfe, EVP of Enrollment Management
- Just a reminder to continue to follow all health and safety guidance! We want to keep our UC community safe and finish the Spring term strong!
Health & Safety Reminders
It remains critical that we avoid contact with and the spread of the coronavirus through the following preventive behaviors on campus and elsewhere:
o Wash our hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds (if soap and water unavailable, use an alcohol-based sanitizer)
o Avoid touching our eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
o Clean keyboards, phones, and other frequent hand contact surfaces with disinfectant
o Avoid close contact with people who are sick
o Eat healthy foods
o Get plenty of rest
This information, and more can be found on UC’s COVID-19 webpage: https://www.ucwv.edu/coronavirus-information. Please visit the webpage for updates and current information. You may also direct coronavirus-related questions to our dedicated email account COVID-19@ucwv.edu.
Please continue to watch your email for future updates.
Virginia Moore
Vice President & Dean of Students
Title IX & VI Compliance Coordinator
Dear Students,
Happy Friday!! I hope all of you have an amazing Easter Weekend!
FAQ’s for today:
- Are you graduating in the Spring or Summer 2021? If you are, please watch your email for some important information today regarding your commencement date/time and how to get your regalia from graduation@ucwv.edu.
- What’s the latest on the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF II) grants?
- At the end of 2020, Congress passed a coronavirus stimulus package that included additional funding for higher education including money to provide in direct grants to students. Now that Spring B enrollments are finalized, we can complete our review of student eligibility for the HEERF II grants.
To be eligible for these awards, you must be eligible for federal Title IV aid. All Title IV eligible students who are enrolled in Spring classes, whether in-seat or online, will be considered in the pool of recipients. The amount of each award will depend on several factors: 1. The total number of eligible students, 2. Prioritizing students with exceptional need, such as those who receive the Pell Grant, 3. Whether a student is in an in-seat or online program, and 4. Whether a student is enrolled full time or part time.
We are currently working through the list of Spring students to see how many students fall in each eligibility category. Once award amounts are determined, it will take additional time to post all awards to student accounts. We anticipate this process being complete by the end of April. At this time, if you have not already enrolled in direct deposit for university refunds, we recommend that you do so (please see attached instructions). That will be the fastest way to receive the HEERF II grant if you are eligible. If you have questions regarding your eligibility, you are encouraged to email Dr. Beth Wolfe, EVP of Enrollment Management, at elizabethwolfe@ucwv.edu.
- Students- we want to hear from you! The Office of Admissions is asking that you complete this brief survey about your UC Student Experience by Wednesday, April 7th. Students who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing for a $100.00 UC Bookstore Gift Certificate!
- Are you planning to graduate in December 2021?
- If you are planning to graduate in December 2021 and will have met all of your requirements by this time, please complete the attached Graduation Application and return it to your Advisor as soon as possible. December graduation applications are due to the Office of Student Solutions by September 1, 2021.
- We hope all of you are planning to return to UC for the Fall 2021. If for some reason you are thinking about not returning and you are not a graduating student, please email me so we can set up a time to meet and discuss options that may be available for you to stay at UC. We hope to see all of you in the Fall! Also, don’t forget if you are graduating that UC has some amazing graduate degree programs that you can choose to apply to if you wish to continue your academic career.
- Just a reminder to continue to follow all health and safety guidance! We want to keep our UC community safe and finish the Spring term strong!
Charleston Students-
- UC COVID Vaccination Clinic– The Kanawha/Charleston Health Department will be hosting a COVID Vaccination Clinic on the Charleston campus on April 8th offering the Johnson & Johnson one dose vaccination to UC community members. If you HAVE NOT already completed the Vaccination Survey and wish to participate in the vaccination clinic on April 8th, please complete this survey to receive future communications about the clinic and availability of the vaccine.
Health & Safety Reminders
It remains critical that we avoid contact with and the spread of the coronavirus through the following preventive behaviors on campus and elsewhere:
o Wash our hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds (if soap and water unavailable, use an alcohol-based sanitizer)
o Avoid touching our eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
o Clean keyboards, phones, and other frequent hand contact surfaces with disinfectant
o Avoid close contact with people who are sick
o Eat healthy foods
o Get plenty of rest
This information, and more can be found on UC’s COVID-19 webpage: https://www.ucwv.edu/coronavirus-information. Please visit the webpage for updates and current information. You may also direct coronavirus-related questions to our dedicated email account COVID-19@ucwv.edu.
Please continue to watch your email for future updates.
Virginia Moore
Vice President & Dean of Students
Title IX & VI Compliance Coordinator