WV Pharmacists Hold Annual Meeting at UC School of Pharmacy
The West Virginia Pharmacists Association is holding its annual meeting on the University of Charleston campus Friday, November 4 through Sunday, November 6. This will be the first time in which the statewide meeting is hosted by a School of Pharmacy in West Virginia.
Celebrating the organization’s 115th year, the theme of the meeting is “Closing the Loops on the Pharmacy Profession.”
The WVPA is a statewide professional organization representing the interests of licensed pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy students. Originally founded in the late 1890’s as the West Virginia Pharmaceutical Association, its mission is to promote and assure the health and wellness of the public by enhancing the professional skills and knowledge of its members.
Dr. Matthew Rafa, an alumnus of the University of Charleston School of Pharmacy, is the current President of WVPA.
“It is great to bring the WV Pharmacist Association Annual Meeting to the University of Charleston, said Rafa. “This is time for us to come together as a profession and network, learn, and celebrate all we have accomplished for patient care in West Virginia. So many decisions about how West Virginia operates comes from our state Capitol and having our meeting at UC serves as a great reminder for our attendees the importance of advocacy in the pursuit of better patient care. West Virginia’s patient care legislation is mentioned throughout the country as a model for standard or care. West Virginians strive to take care of one another; we truly are a special state, and our pharmacists are a truly special group of trailblazers for patient care. University of Charleston provides us a unique opportunity to celebrate our accomplishments and focus on the future of healthcare in West Virginia.”
The annual meeting is expected to welcome over 130 attendees, 60 students, 9 exhibitors, and 6 residency programs. The program will include continuing education opportunities from legislative updates to provider status, self-care, and substance abuse disorder; student programming, and more.
Keynote speaker will be Helen Sairany, BA, MBA, PharmD, RPh, BCACP, author of “Trading Grenades for Candy” and the soon to be released book on trauma – “COVID-19 Created Combat Like Trauma for Frontline Heroes”. She will address the COVID-19 burnout pharmacy staffs are experiencing and measures to ensure staff well-being.
For information about the organization or more about the meeting, visit https://wvpharmacy.org/ or contact Emilee Spangler, Administrative Assistant and Communications Director, UC School of Pharmacy, at emileespangler@ucwv.edu or 304-357-4728.