University of Charleston

University of Charleston

Tristan Maynard Wins National Public Health Award

Charleston, WV – April 5, 2021 – UC Pharmacy Student Tristan Maynard has been selected as a United States Public Health Service Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Award winner. The award recognizes pharmacy students that make significant contributions to public health.

Maynard is both a UC School of Pharmacy student and a member of the West Virginia National Guard. He has been involved with several research projects based on his interest in public health.

“Your achievements that clearly support public health illustrate the importance of incorporating core public health principles into today’s pharmacy practice,” wrote Rear Admiral Ty Bingham, UC Assistant Surgeon General, in a letter informing Tristan of his selection. “Furthermore, your demonstrated passion and dedication to advance public health and the profession of pharmacy is truly impressive.”

The pharmacists of the United States Public Health Service established the Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Award in 2003 to encourage student pharmacists to become active in public health.  This annual award recognizes pharmacy students who demonstrate a commitment to it, recognizing student pharmacists who are active in developing innovative approaches to current public health challenges and those who will help lead the nation to a healthier future.

Maynard is the second UCSOP student to win this award. Greg Schiotis was the top award recipient in 2020.